Parts of Baghdad in Full Lockdown due to COVID-19

By Al-Monitor staff. Any opinions expressed are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Parts of Iraqi capital go under full lockdown after jump in virus cases

Parts of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, will go under a full lockdown after a jump in coronavirus cases, Iraqi Health Minister Hassan al-Tamimi announced in a statement posted on social media today.

The order said there will be a full lockdown starting Wednesday for two weeks in several Baghdad neighborhoods. The areas covered include several populous areas outside downtown Baghdad, including Ameria and Sadr City.

The decision follows 150 new coronavirus cases recorded in Iraq today, with 120 in Baghdad, including 48 in the Rusafa area, the ministry said. Other places where cases were registered included Najaf, Karbala and Sulaimaniyah.

Click here to read the full story.

Petrel Resources considers Opportunities in Iraq

By John Lee.

Petrel Resources has announced that it is interested in the ‘fresh opportunities’ in Iraq thrown up by the turbulent oil price and political events of recent months.

In a statement, the company said that its Iraqi Director, Riadh Ani, is coordinating discussions with the Ministry of Oil in Baghdad to take advantage of the situation.

(Source: Petrel)

Iraq Denies Plans to Shut al-Ahdab Field

By John Lee.

Iraq’s oil ministry has denied a report from Bloomberg that it plans to shut down the al-Ahdab oil field in Wasit due to protests.

In a statement the Ministry said the protests near the field are not related to the oil industry, but to the administration of the province.

(Source: Ministry of Oil)

Iraq’s Economy on the Precipice – Reform Needed

Iraq’s economy is on the precipice – reforming the energy sector is a key part of the solution

The publication of the following commentary follows a conversation between the IEA‘s Executive Director, Dr Fatih Birol (pictured), and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi of Iraq, who recently took office.

It examines one of the key topics of their conversation: the major impediments to the development of Iraq’s energy sector and, by extension, its economy.

More here.

(Source: IEA)

Russia Considers Major Investment in Iraqi Gas Field

From Middle East Monitor, under a Creative Commons licence. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

The Russian Ambassador to Iraq, Maxim Maksimov [Maximov] (pictured), said that Russia is seeking to invest heavily in Al-Mansouriya gas field, in the Diyala governorate.

Maksimov said in a press statement yesterday that “Russian companies are willing to mobilise significant funds and have submitted an investment tender for Al-Mansouriya gas field in Diyala.

 He added that “three Russian companies in Iraq produce about 600,000 barrels of oil per day, including Gazprom, which operates in the Badra oil field in Wasit Governorate with a production capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil per day, in addition to 400,000 barrels in the [West Qurna 2] field.

The Russian ambassador stated that his country is paying special attention to the Russian-Iraqi Commission.

Moscow has assigned its deputy prime minister to head the Russian delegation, in preparation for a very important meeting between the two sides, which was postponed due to the coronavirus crisis.

KRG PM Barzani calls for Constitutional Solution

Prime Minister Barzani chairs cabinet meeting, calls for constitutional solution to problems with Baghdad

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani chaired a cabinet meeting in Erbil on Wednesday to discuss economic conditions in the Kurdistan Region and outstanding problems with the federal government.

In the meeting, which was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, the Prime Minister wished success to the new Iraqi cabinet, and stressed the need for a constitutional solution to ongoing issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

The cabinet discussed proposed draft bills covering the selling and renting of public properties, investment, and patients’ rights. Relevant departments in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) were assigned to prepare final drafts for parliament.

Prime Minister Barzani said the Kurdistan Region is going through difficult economic times due to falling oil prices and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and must make adjustments due to limited financial resources.

He called for a review of the economy in light of the regional financial downturn, and underlined the importance of continuing to implement the Reform Law (2020).

The Prime Minister said the KRG will do its best to pay public sector salaries, and reiterated his commitment to continue providing public services and strengthening the region’s infrastructure.

During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Talabani provided an update on recent discussions with federal authorities on budgetary issues and oil exports. He said dialogue with Baghdad will continue to reach a deal on outstanding problems.

(Source: KRG)

Genel Energy “Robust Financial Position”

Genel Energy has issued the following trading and operations update ahead of the Company’s Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’), which is being held today.

The information contained herein has not been audited and may be subject to further review.

Bill Higgs (pictured), Chief Executive of Genel, said:

Despite the impact of COVID-19 creating a challenging environment for our industry, Genel’s resilient business model and robust financial position, with over $100 million in net cash and an asset cashflow breakeven of $30/bbl, leaves us well placed to withstand the consequences of the pandemic as we continue to deliver our strategy.

“We have cut our cloth appropriately against this backdrop and halved our capital expenditure for 2020, protecting our balance sheet while still progressing Sarta, and positioning us to take advantage of growth opportunities as the landscape improves.


  • $98 million of cash proceeds received in the first four months of 2020
  • Cash of $404 million at 30 April 2020 ($391 million at 31 December 2019)
  • Net cash of $106 million at 30 April 2020 ($93 million at 31 December 2019)
  • Capital expenditure of $45 million in the first four months of 2020, with point forward expenditure cut significantly due to the impact of COVID-19
  • Final dividend of 10¢ per share (2019: 10¢ per share), a distribution of c.$27.8 million, to be paid to shareholders on the register on 29 May 2020, pending approval at today’s AGM


  • Production in the first quarter of 2020 averaged 34,170 bopd, in line with January’s guidance, guidance that has been removed following the decision to reduce investment to a level appropriate for the external environment
  • As well as impacting the oil price and hence investment plans for 2020, COVID-19 has provided operational challenges in relation to the movement of people and equipment. This has been less of a challenge for producing fields than pre-production assets, and the reduced work plan put in place in Q2 is progressing in line with expectations
  • Production by asset was as follows:
(bopd) Gross production

Q1 2020

Net production

Q1 2020

Tawke 61,490 15,370
Peshkabir 53,710 13,430
Taq Taq 12,200 5,370
Total 127,400 34,170


  • Tawke PSC (25% working interest)
    • Production at the Tawke PSC averaged 115,200 bopd in the first quarter of 2020, with the Tawke field producing 61,490 bopd, and Peshkabir 53,710 bopd
    • Five development wells have been completed on the licence. Three drilling rigs were released as the 2020 activity plan was amended to reflect the external environment, while a workover rig continues to service production wells
    • A drilling rig has been stacked at each field and can be quickly mobilised when conditions warrant
  • Taq Taq PSC (44% working interest and joint operator)
    • Taq Taq gross field production averaged 12,200 bopd in the first quarter of 2020
    • The latest well on the northern flank of the field, TT-35, spud on 6 January, and completed in April. The well is currently adding c.600 bopd to production. This completed the planned drilling programme with the Sakson-605 rig, which has now been released
    • Activity at TaqTaq is focused onmaximisingcash generation. Appropriate for the external environment, it is not expected that there will be any further drilling activity in 2020


  • Sarta (30% working interest)
    • Civil construction work at the Sarta field is nearing completion, with the facility build ongoing
    • Due to delays in the movement of people and equipment caused by the impact of COVID-19, first oil is now expected in Q4 2020, rather than Q3
    • Phase 1A represents a low-cost pilot development of the Mus-Adaiyah reservoirs, designed to recover 2P gross reserves estimated by Genel at 34 MMbbls
  • Qara Dagh (40% working interest and operator)
    • The QD-2 well was on track to spud in Q2 2020 prior to COVID-19 impacting supply chains and the movement of people in to the KRI
    • Due to ongoing uncertainty caused by COVID-19, Genel notified the KRG of the occurrence of a force majeure event preventing the Company from being able to perform its contractual obligations as scheduled
    • Work continues to take place to ensure that Genel is in the best possible position to start to drill the QD-2 well once external conditions improve and the force majeure event ceases
  • Bina Bawi (100% working interest and operator)
    • Genel received documentation in mid-April from the KRG following the commercial understanding reached in September 2019
    • Negotiations regarding this documentation are ongoing, as Genel continues to seek a viable and balanced commercial way forward for the development of Bina Bawi’s gas and oil resources
  • Somaliland – SL10B13 block (100% working interest and operator)
    • A farm-out process relating to this highly prospective block began in Q4 2019, and a number of companies continue to assess the opportunity
  • Morocco – Sidi Moussa block (75% working interest and operator)
    • The farm-out campaign is set to begin in Q3 2020, aimed at bringing a partner onto the licence prior to considering further commitments


  • Zero lost time incidents and zero losses of primary containment in 2020 to date at Genel and TTOPCO operations
    • There has not been an LTI since 2015, with almost 12 million hours worked since the last incident
  • The Peshkabir-to-Tawke gas capture, transport and reinjection project to effectively end CO2 emissions at Peshkabir and boost oil recovery at Tawke is completed and undergoing commissioning
  • Multiple projects are ongoing to support local communities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with activities in the Qara Dagh region continuing despite the force majeure event
  • Genel will issue a sustainability report in September 2020


  • Payments from the KRG are ongoing, with an updated payment mechanism put in place under which the KRG has committed to settling monthly sales invoices by the fifteenth day of the following month, as announced on 17 April 2020
    • $11.1 million received in April for oil sales during March 2020
  • 2020 capital expenditure reduced by c.50% from the top end of the original guidance range of $160-200 million and now expected to be just over $100 million, of which around half will be spent on the Tawke and Taq Taq PSCs, c.$30 million on Sarta, and c.$10 million on Qara Dagh
    • Point forward expenditure expected to be c.$60 million in 2020
  • Operating costs per barrel expected to be $3/bbl in 2020
  • Producing asset cashflow breakeven in 2020 at an oil price of less than $30/bbl, taking into account the 2020 capital expenditure programme and the updated payment mechanism
  • Opex: reduction of 10% compared to original guidance of c.$40 million
  • G&A: unchanged at c.$15 million (a reduction of c.20% from 2019)
  • Genel continues to analyse opportunities to repurchase bonds at a value-accretive price
  • The Company continues to actively pursue growth and is analysing opportunities to make value-accretive additions to the portfolio that are consistent with Genel’s strategy

(Source: Genel Energy)

Iraq to Cut Oil Output, but by Less than OPEC+ Target

By John Lee.

Iraq is reportedly cutting its oil output by around 700,000 barrels per day (bpd), a third less than required under an OPEC+ supply pact.

Iraqi oil officials told Reuters that the government failed to persuade the international oil companies (IOCs) to agree to bigger reductions.

More here.

(Source: Reuters)

Iraq Loses $11bn in 4 Months as Oil Prices Plunge

From Middle East Monitor, under a Creative Commons licence. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Iraq has incurred around $11 billion in losses in four months due to the global drop in oil prices, the State Organisation for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) announced yesterday.

“Over the first four months of 2020, Iraq sold approximately 409,096,972 barrels of crude oil at an average price of nearly $38 per barrel, achieving around $15.4 million in revenue,” SOMO said in a statement.

The state-run organisation added that the country sold 423,284,489 barrels during the same period of 2019 at an average price of $62 per barrel. “Iraq achieved a total of $26.2 million in oil revenues in the first four months of 2019,” the organisation added.

Reuters recently reported that oil prices had fallen yesterday as investors were worried about a second wave of coronavirus infections. But it added that the new output cuts from Saudi Arabia had tempered worries about oversupply and limited price losses.

Global oil demand has slumped by about 30 per cent as the coronavirus pandemic has curtailed movement across the world, leading to growing inventories globally.

While crude futures have fallen more than 55 per cent this year because of the virus, prices have risen over the past two weeks, supported by a modest rebound in demand as some travel restrictions – which were imposed by governments to curb the spread of the virus – were eased.

$33.6m from World Bank for Coronavirus Outbreak

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak in Iraq, the World Bank has recently approved the re-allocation of U$33.6 million under the current Emergency Operation for Development Project (EODP-US$750 million) to support the Ministry of Health’s efforts in preventing, detecting, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This fast track emergency response comes in two phases. The World Bank initially mobilized US$7.8 million from resources that were immediately available under the EODP to help finance the supply of essential medical equipment and supplies and strengthen intensive care unit (ICU) capacity at public hospitals for improved COVID-19 case management.

Through cooperation with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), ventilators, ICU beds, ECG machines, mobile X-ray machines and defibrillators will be delivered to designated sites in four to eight weeks.

In a follow-up step, the World Bank also approved the Government of Iraq’s request to re-allocate an additional US$25.8 million under the project to supply additional quantities of equipment and consumables and support the training of health workers and front-line responders on their use.  The expedited procurement procedures of UNOPS will ensure the timely delivery of medical supplies to the Ministry of Health.

“The pandemic is expected to particularly hit poor and vulnerable households. The World Bank stands ready to support Iraq’s efforts to contain the rapid spread of the virus and strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Health to address the additional strain the pandemic poses on the Iraqi health system,” said Saroj Kumar Jha, World Bank Mashreq Regional Director.

The reallocation of funds does not affect the initial scope of the Emergency Operation for Development Project which aims to support Iraq in the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and the restoration of public services delivery in targeted municipal areas. As a matter of fact, and through the procurement of goods, works and consulting services using World Bank’s procurement and financial management regulations, over 3 million people in five governorates liberated from ISIS are already benefiting from improved health services through the rehabilitation of damaged clinics and the supply of 14 mobile clinics and 82 ambulances, restored electricity connectivity by 35%, improved  key municipal services with the provision of purified drinking water and waste collection schemes, and restored access through the reconstruction of 400 km of roads and 25 critical bridges. The project is also contributing to promoting state/citizen trust-building and reconciliation through the training of 79 non-governmental organizations and over 1,000 young men and women on peaceful dialogue and reconciliation in their communities.

The Emergency Operation for Development Project was initially approved in July 2015 in the amount of US$350 million. An additional financing to the project in the amount of US$400 million was later on approved in October 2017 to allow the geographic scale-up of existing project activities to additional cities liberated from ISIS.

World Bank Group COVID-19 Response

The World Bank Group, one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries, is taking broad, fast action to help developing countries strengthen their pandemic response. We are increasing disease surveillance, improving public health interventions, and helping the private sector continue to operate and sustain jobs. Over the next 15 months, we will be deploying up to $160 billion in financial support to help countries protect the poor and vulnerable, support businesses, and bolster economic recovery, including $50 billion of new IDA resources in grants or highly concessional terms.

(Source: World Bank)