By John Lee.
UK-based Weir Group has reportedly signed a $5-million contract to provide “rotating equipment overhaul services” in Iraq.
The client was not named, but was described as “a major Iraq JV“.
(Source: Arabian Industry)
Cursor International executes projects and collaboration activities across several industries.
By John Lee.
UK-based Weir Group has reportedly signed a $5-million contract to provide “rotating equipment overhaul services” in Iraq.
The client was not named, but was described as “a major Iraq JV“.
(Source: Arabian Industry)
By John Lee.
Prime Minister Adil Abd Al-Mahdi and Jordan’s Prime Minister Dr. Omar Razzaz have agreed a series of measures to increase cooperation between the two countries.
Following a meeting at the weekend, they announced that, among other steps, they will finalize the framework agreement for the Iraqi-Jordanian pipeline which will run from Basra through Haditha to Aqaba in the first quarter of 2019.
The full (unedited) list of measures outlined in their joint statement is shown below:
In the transport sector:
In the industry and trade sector:
In the financial sector:
In the energy sector:
In the agriculture sector:
In the communications and IT sector:
(Source: Media Office of the Iraqi Prime Minister)
By John Lee.
Iraq’s Ministry of Oil has announced interim oil exports for December of 115,517,974 barrels, giving an average for the month of 3.726 million barrels per day (bpd), a increase from the 3.377 bpd exported in November.
These exports from the oilfields in central and southern Iraq amounted to 112,450,367 barrels, while exports by the North Oil Company amounted to 3,067,607 barrels.
Revenues for the month were $6.100 billion at an average price of $52.803 per barrel.
November export figures can be found here.
(Source: Ministry of Oil)
By Ahmed Mousa Jiyad.
Any opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.
IEITI Report on “Register of Licenses” – Another Disappointment
Iraq EITI (IEITI) released recently the above report, which it says, “In accordance with Standard 2.3 of the International Initiative”; in part it is among Iraq efforts to re-instate its “compliant” status with EITI.
The report, written in Arabic, provides important data and information; other narratives and descriptions are rather known for those familiar with bid rounds licensing processes that were followed since 2009.
Apart from the fact that the report has no date and who authored it, there are, unfortunately, too many inaccuracies, unexplained terms, missing items, ambiguities, typing errors, inconsistency in number and table formats and unchecked data, among others.
Such serious shortcomings would surely undermine the credibility and usefulness of the report and some of its content could be misleading.
Reading the report thoroughly, as testifies below, and for the interest of IEITI suggest:
This assessment comprises three parts: part one provides “common remarks”; part two specifies remarks on field level and part three addresses the data on corporate income tax-CIT.
Part one: the common remarks
Part two: Remarks to the provided data on field levels
Al-Ahdab Oilfield:
Missan 3 Oilfields
There are no values for “profitability fee” for the IOCs and for the State Partner!!!
Zubair and WQ1 Oilfields
The values for “profitability fee” for the IOCs and for the State Partners are exactly the same for both oilfields, though they differ in production profiles!!! Also the value of the “IOCs recovered cost” are very close!!!
Halfaya Oilfield
While no production was reported for 2016 there was significant Cost Recovery and the paid income tax for that year was the highest since the commencement of production in the field, why??.
Badra Oilfield
WQ2 Oilfield
Majnoon Oilfield
Gharaf Oilfield
Gas fields (Akkas, Mansuriya and Siba)
Though no data was provided, the table format (for FCP and Plateau Production) should be corrected and consistent.
Part three: Corporate Income Tax-CIT
The report provides a table comprises the annual and total “deducted” CIT based on “fields level” over the period 2011 and 2018 (both years inclusive). There are many serious problems and observations that need clarifications and correction:
In addition to the above there are too many errors and typing mistakes that should be addressed and edited correctly.
Mr Jiyad is an independent development consultant, scholar and Associate with the former Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES), London. He was formerly a senior economist with the Iraq National Oil Company and Iraq’s Ministry of Oil, Chief Expert for the Council of Ministers, Director at the Ministry of Trade, and International Specialist with UN organizations in Uganda, Sudan and Jordan. He is now based in Norway (Email: mou-jiya(at), Skype ID: Ahmed Mousa Jiyad). Read more of Mr Jiyad’s biography here.
By John Lee.
Exports from Iraq’s northern Kirkuk oilfields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan will reportedly remain at between 80-90,000 barrels per day, with most of the crude being used to feed local refineries, according to Iraq’s oil minister.
Current production at the Kirkuk oilfields stands at around 370,000 bpd, the head of Iraq’s North Oil Company (NOC), Farid al-Jadir, told the same news conference.
US-based oil services company Halliburton has today announced it has signed two contracts with Eni Iraq BV to provide integrated drilling services at Eni’s Zubair oilfield in Southern Iraq.
Under the contracts, Halliburton will mobilize four to six rigs to drill development wells over the next two years.
Mahmoud El-Kady, vice president of the Iraq Area for Halliburton, said:
“We are pleased to be awarded this work and the opportunity to collaborate with Eni to engineer solutions for the development of Zubair.
“We have provided a wide array of drilling services to Eni since 2011 and signing these contracts are a testimony to our continuous commitment to safety and superior service quality.”
(Source: Halliburton)
By John Lee.
Iraq’s Ministry of Oil has announced final oil exports for November of 101,313,958 barrels, giving an average for the month of 3.377 million barrels per day (bpd), a decrease from the 3.478 bpd exported in October.
These exports from the oilfields in central and southern Iraq amounted to 100,895,342 barrels, while exports from Kirkuk through the port of Ceyhan amounted to 261,466 barrels, and exports from Qayara were 157,150 barrels.
Revenues for the month were $6.195 billion at an average price of $61.150 per barrel.
October export figures can be found here.
(Source: Ministry of Oil)
From Al Jazeera. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.
There is a fight over energy in Iraq between the US and Iran. Iraq relies on Iranian gas for nearly half of its energy – gas that is now subject to US sanctions on Iran.
The Iraqi government originally obtained a 45-day sanctions waiver from the US, but that waiver is set to expire next week.
Iraq is particularly sensitive to the issue after protests against electricity cuts rocked Basra earlier in the year and Iraq’s new government is treading a thin line trying to keep both the US and Iran happy, and its people satisfied.
Al Jazeera’s Charlotte Bellis reports:
By John Lee.
US-based Schlumberger has won a deal with Iraq’s Basra Oil Company (BOC) to drill 40 new wells at Majnoon oilfield.
In a statement on Wednesday, the Ministry of Oil also announced that the BOC had entered into a 19-month contract with the Iraqi Oil Exploration Company to carry out 2D and 3D seismic surveys at the field.
(Source: Ministry of Oil)
Even after the military defeat of ISIS, the Netherlands will continue working to ensure security and stability in Iraq and the wider region. Foreign minister Stef Blok made this point during his trip to Jordan and Iraq. ‘We have to do this to prevent ISIS from regaining strength,’ he said.
Since the Netherlands joined the international fight against ISIS in 2014, the campaign has enjoyed great success. Almost all the territory once controlled by the group has been retaken. More than 7 million people have been freed from ISIS’s rule, and displaced people are returning to their homes and resuming their lives.
‘Now that ISIS has been defeated militarily, the focus is shifting to post-war reconstruction,’ Mr Blok said. ‘Putting ISIS combatants on trial is also crucial. Security and stability are preconditions for proceeding with the next phase. The Netherlands is working to strengthen its ties with Iraq and Jordan. That’s why I think it’s important for me to be here, so that we can set to work together on enhancing security.’
The Dutch partnership with Iraq and Jordan has already taken off. For example, last month in The Hague Mr Blok and Jordanian King Abdullah II both took part in the international ‘Aqaba meetings’ on counterterrorism.
A year ago Iraq was declared liberated from ISIS. In 2019 Dutch efforts will focus on capacity building in Iraq’s security sector. About 70 Dutch military personnel are currently training Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish Peshmerga. ‘The work of these Dutch trainers has great added value,’ said the Dutch foreign minister. ‘Their labours will equip Iraq to meet its own future security needs.’
Stability in Iraq is in the Netherlands’ interests. It will reduce the threat of terrorism, lower the risk of new refugee flows, and increase the likelihood of return for displaced people. ‘I’m seeing here with my own eyes how much devastation ISIS’s terror caused,’ said Mr Blok. ‘It’s in this phase above all, as Iraq rebuilds, that the Netherlands can help the country ensure that its victory over ISIS is a lasting one. That will allow the displaced and the refugees to return home.’
Construction and recovery
During his visit to the Iraqi city of Fallujah, the Dutch minister reopened a hospital that had been damaged in the fighting. ‘There was a huge battle against ISIS in Fallujah,’ he said. ‘This is the furthest point the group reached in its advance towards Baghdad, which is only a few dozen kilometres from here. Until recently, following ISIS’s devastating attack, Fallujah was cut off from the world. The fact that this hospital can now once more open its doors speaks volumes about how far Iraq has come.’
With support from a development cooperation fund, the Netherlands financed the rebuilding of the Fallujah Teaching Hospital and repairs to the city’s iconic bridge over the Euphrates, which Mr Blok also visited while he was in Fallujah. Alongside this support, additional Dutch aid to the region is helping restabilise it.
Over the past few years, the fighting with ISIS turned millions of people into refugees. The consequences have been felt not only in the region but also in Europe, including the Netherlands. Mr Blok visited a refugee camp in Jordan: ‘The countries around Syria are bearing a heavy burden,’ he said. ‘Bear in mind that almost one person in ten in Jordan today is a Syrian refugee.’ The Netherlands is helping by funding jobs and education for these refugees and supporting Jordanian communities that are hosting them.
Dutch F-16s
The Netherlands, Jordan and Iraq are all members of the anti-ISIS coalition. Over the past few years Jordan has hosted the F16s that the Netherlands has committed to the fight. Now that their deployment has reached its end, the F16s are about to return to the Netherlands. Mr Blok paid a visit to the 150 Dutch military personnel in Jordan who will be heading home in a few weeks. ‘These men and women have made an essential contribution to the often fierce battle against ISIS, and I want to thank them for everything they’ve done,’ he said.
(Source: Govt of the Netherlands)